On March 23, 2013 the Drill team visited a NJROTC drill competition at Rancocas Valley High School. After a long eventful day of competing, out unit took home 1st place for New Cadet Basic, a team of all first year cadets. All in all, it was a fun day and an overall memorable experience with top performances from all who competed.
Another successful drill competition for the NJ-20003rd, bringing home another two trophies -- placing in Academic and Unarmed Basic -- to add to the collection. After a long day of competing, each cadet gave their 100% and prospered from the dedication and discipline that they showed during their performance. 
The annual military ball went off with a bang on March 3, 2013. It was a night full of fun and dancing, and enjoyed by all who attended. Below are some photos from the night to showcase what a great time all our cadets and their guests had on that wonderful evening.